Saturday, July 23, 2011

Popcorn popping!

Hello, I'm Karlee and I love popcorn. Today was a good day for making Kool-aid popcorn. The family was gone and Taylor and I had the kitchen all to ourselves so this is what we did.....
Takes a little bit of time but oh well I had this Saturday off :)

This is blue raspberry. VERY sweet!
Yes, my hair is significantly lighter than normal. Not by choice—stupid sun lol.
 Cherry is really good.
The final product. Oih, so much popcorn! haha
Cherry, Grape, and Blue Raspberry. Yum! 

"GRAPE! I'm gonna get grape, or cherry. They're both... favorites, so either one is good, but if they have both, I'll get grape, because grape is a little more favorite. But if they don't have grape it's like alright its fine, cause cherry's favorite anyway. It's like another favorite, but not as much. Not as much favorite. But they're both good. They're both good."

Now its time to clean up the sticky mess...yay? haha

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It all makes sense

Have you ever looked at something your parents do and thought, "Ah, it makes sense now!" Well since being home I look at my parents I just realize why I do certain things.

 Like how I never put dishes in the dishwasher except on sundays like my mom. Just like my mom everything I wear has to be somewhat matching.

How I always giggle and snicker at something funny I'm think about then realizing I didn't say it out loud just like my dad.  Also, we both laugh a lot. Whenever meeting new people, having an awkward conversation, or when we're just not sure how to respond to a certain situation, we laugh.

I love my parents they are so funny.
The other day at work we were in our truck driving away from a house when these two boys drove by on bikes with toy guns. As we started driving away they followed us shooting at us with their toy guns. When my dad noticed he turned in his seat leaned outside the truck window and started pretending to shoot back with his hands. He made the shooting noises as well. Haha. It was the funniest thing ever and then the little kids were laughing and shooting all the more.

Then there was the time we were fixing sprinklers..... haha he pulled off one of the heads to a sprinkler to clean it out. Well when he tried to put it back together the water pressure blew it out of his hands and the water sprayed right up into his face blowing his hat up and away. Jaden and I sure enjoyed mocking him about playing in the sprinklers instead of working.

I love my job. It's awesome working for my dad. Even when he acts like a twelve year old.  :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I love summer. I love that we took the boat out today. I love that it was hot. I love that Ryker has a cute little mini life jacket that pushes his cheeks up,. I love that friends come visit. I love that people are happy in the summer. I love that your little bro can teach you how to ride a ripstick and jump off curbs haha. I love that you get to wear shorts, summer dresses and fun bright colors. I love waterton. I love that its beautiful. I love that there are thunderstorms. I love so many other things about summer but for now I'm content to just leave it at that.